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Mary Jacques Obituary

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mary Ann Jacques on Jan. 30, 2025 at the age of 78. Mary was born on October 6, 1946 in Wilson County, TX to Domingo and Emila Morales.

Mary was a loving mother and grandmother and a beautiful soul, who would help anyone. She lived life to the fullest and especially loved spending time with her family and friends.

Preceded in joining the LORD: her mother, father and her husband Guadalupe Garcia Jacques.

She is survived by sons; Gilbert Jacques, Albert Jacques and wife Jill Jacques, Guadalupe Jacques Jr., Daughter, Ariana Ann Jacques; Sisters, Guadalupe DeHoyos, Alicia Morales, Jesusa Costelo, Teresa Gutierrez; Brothers, Domingo Morales Jr. and wife Olga Morales, and Jose Luis Morales, 10 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.

In keeping with her wishes we will not be holding a traditional viewing.


Mary Jacques Obituary

Victoria, Texas Obituaries

Mary Jacques Obituary funeral arrangements are under the care
and direction of Victoria Mortuary & Cremation Services, Victoria, TX.

Obituary for Mary Jacques Obituary, Victoria

Arrangement times not published to date

Mary Jacques Obituary passed away on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
For additional information, please view the complete
Mary Jacques Obituary obituary at the Victoria Advocate
newspaper obituaries:
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To order flowers & plants, call (361) 575-2307
Sending flowers or plants to the family, in memory of the deceased, is always appropriate and very appreciated. In the following days and weeks, phone calls and words of comfort taper off. Then, heartfelt pain of a death in the family is really experienced for the first time. The arrival of a beautiful bouquet or living plant can be so uplifting during this stage of grief and loneliness. Realizing that others still care and remember even of weeks after the services, can be great comfort to those in mourning.

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